Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Life is a marathon...and it is not just about running

Find your marathon...
"Our life must contain mountains or marathons or their equivalent, else we will not be sure when we have reached our potential.
The person who descends from a mountain is not the same person who begin the ascent. Nor is the person who finishes a marathon the same person who started the race." George Sheehan

This quote and photo is on the wall in my office, the photo is of Wes and I after completing the 1993 Marine Corps Marathon. It was my first and I got there by training with Wes running basically all around Marietta...a lot! It was not Wes' first marathon but he assured me I could run one and our training runs were full of conversation as well as quiet moments of reflections. It took our minds off the effort. Our runs together were the most memorable and where our bond was forged.
I can still feel the incredible elation of finishing that race and the sight of Wes at the finish line cheering me on as always.

I still owe Part 2 of when we met and how we started running but working in my office and staring at the photo and quote lead me to write a quick post.

Overall, to me a marathon is not always about running, it is taking on a challenge where dedication, persistence, hard work, commitment and never losing focus on the end in sight. Anyone who has been on such a journey physically, mentally or both is never really the same. There is so much to learn from such an effort so my suggestion is to find your marathon(s) and take the journey....you will view the journey of life in a different light full of meaning and purpose.

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